America’s Unholy Ghosts: A Trailer
As featured @ workofthepeople.com, Joel and Travis Reed discuss writing America’s Unholy Ghosts…
America’s Unholy Ghosts: Book Launch
From the home church of the late Barbara Jordan, DZ Cofield and Joel Goza sit down for a conversation on race, religion and politics at Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church
Dialogue Houston Interviews Joel Goza
Dialogue Houston chatted with Joel about his journey and how it inspired him to write his book. Joel spoke about his philosophy of connecting communities through quality dialogues and the integrity of staying in alignment.
Rob Kall Interview
Rob Kall, Host of Bottom Up and Op-Ed News interviews Joel on America’s Unholy Ghosts
Free Indeed: Book Conversation
Johnny Gentry and Joel Goza sit down for a conversation at Free Indeed Ministries.
Real World. Real Talk.
DZ Cofield and Joel Goza connect @ KTSU Radio to discuss race and systemic change.
Written Reviews
Publishers Weekly Reviews America's Unholy Ghosts
In his sharp debut, Goza…writes with passion about the racist and classist roots of America’s political and religious institutions. Grounding his work in the philosophies of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Adam Smith, Goza convincingly argues that America’s Founding Fathers deliberately designed a racist and inequitable society.
Christian Century: How did American Racism Get this Bad
David Gushee, Past President of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Christian Ethics, reviews America’s Unholy Ghosts for the Christian Century
Bill Tammeus: America's Unholy Ghosts Reviewed
When I review books, I make tiny dots in the margins of passages I want to refer as I’m writing. In this book, I marked 57 of its 182 pages of text, meaning that if I were to refer to all of those points that I consider important, this review would run from here to next Friday.
Publishers Weekly: Mending the Divide
Publishers Weekly: Everyone talks about diversity these days, but what does it mean? Unlocking doors for women to enter male-dominated professions? Welcoming people of color into previously white bastions? Integrating the poor into societies of the privileged?
Faith and Leadership Interview: Our theological imagination has often impoverished our racial imagination
Joel Edward Goza went to divinity school expecting to graduate and return to the white, suburban Baptist world in which he had grown up.
Houston Chronicle Features America's Unholy Ghosts
There are a number of books by Houston authors that delve into faith and spirituality. By diving into these pages, bookworms may discover new insights and ideologies.
Podcast and Radio Interviews
Straight Talk with Nick Lawrence
On Dec. 2nd, Joel had the honor to have a conversation with 830 WEEU Straight Talk with Nick Lawrence to discuss America’s Unholy Ghosts
KPFT and Open Journal Podcast
KPFT and Open Journal’s Duane Bradley and Stephanie Coleman discuss Houston, today’s political landscape, and America’s Unholy Ghosts
The Good Morning Show with Oliver ``OT`` Thomas—WBOK New Orleans
Oliver Thomas and Joel Goza discuss New Orleans 9th Ward, Houston’s 5th Ward and the interface of religion, race and politics in America Today
Voices in My Head Podcast with Rick Lee James
Voices in My Head Podcast: Joel gets to talk with Rick Lee James about America’s Unholy Ghosts and navigating conversations about race in communities of faith
iHeart Radio: Sunday Journal with Hal Clark | 98.5 WYLD
iHeart Radio: Joel gets to talk with Hal Clark of New Orleans about America’s Unholy Ghosts and Houston’s 5th Ward
Real World, Real Talk with DZ Cofield
On Real World, Real Talk, Dr. DZ Cofield interviews Joel Edward Goza concerning his newly released America’s Unholy Ghosts.
What's the 411? with Sharon Kay
From the historic Fisk University in Nashville Tennessee, Sharon Kay hosts Joel Edward Goza to discuss America’s Unholy Ghosts. The interview with Joel starts at minute 24 and covers Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and how White Supremacy shaped the scientific community.
Houston Matters: How Did Three Famous Philosophers Promote Racism in America
In his new book, America’s Unholy Ghosts: The Racist Roots of Our Faith and Politics, Joel Edward Goza argues these philosophers helped imagine, institutionalize, and ingrain racist ideologies in the United States.
Bonhoeffer Podacst with Rob Schenck
Joel sits down with the President of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Institute for a conversation about race and religion